About me

I am a qualified Rock Climbing Development Instructor (RCDI) and Development Coach based in London, and a full member of the Mountain Training Association. I’m also a qualified Mental Health First Aider through MHFA England. I believe climbing and being in the outdoors has huge physical as well as mental benefits. I work with all ages, from children on NICAS sessions, to adults learning to climb in later life. I teach a wide range of climbing skills, from movement and technique, fear management, to learn to lead courses outdoors. I have training in delivering sessions for visually impaired climbers, and am particularly motivated to help women along their climbing journey. I have climbed in many parts of the UK, as well as in Europe, but I’d probably say Peak gritstone is my favourite type of rock!


I have had a number of coaching sessions with Holly. Ranging from falling practice, improver technique sessions to a personalised coaching and training plan, which has been absolutely amazing. She identified some bad habits I have developed over the years, analysing them, suggesting better and more efficient moves and techniques. Holly is an excellent climbing coach. She is really knowledgeable, fun, easy to talk to, encouraging and has this calming and methodical approach to our sessions which always seem to get the best out of me!


For me the best part was having someone else hold the space for me, to determine my challenge level and adjust the whole day appropriately. My fear of leading never really dominated, although I did make a decision not to finish the last climb when I felt as though I didn't want to lead the last section, and I felt supported in that. I feel empowered to lead more, and critically at lower challenge levels, next time I'm climbing outdoors. You were calm, supportive and allowed the experience to unravel through the day. We both felt really looked after and enjoyed our outdoor climbing so much more than we usually do. So thank you so much!

— J, OCTOBER 2023

A really positive experience and I have had a consistently wonderful time both today and our indoor lesson. 10/10 would do again 


Felt as though I progressed a lot over the 4 hours and it was very enjoyable. You came across as very calm which instantly put me at ease. The course was delivered at a good tempo. Learnt lots and what we were taught was explained well and made sense, so I never felt too overwhelmed with information.


I did an amazing trip to Portland with Holly! It was my first outdoors climbing experience and she made it perfect for me. Felt super safe and confident that I was under the best instructions! Will definitely be doing more trips with her. Thank you!!!


I had an amazing day of climbing outside with Holly! It was my first embark outdoors and I was completely satisfied after today! She is very concerned with safety for her climbers and respecting the environment we are climbing in, while giving you an opportunity to have fun with the routes at the same time. Was a very fun time!


I had a WONDERFUL top rope climbing session with Holly in Autumn at Harrison`s Rocks. I had three years of experience in bouldering, but it was my first time climbing in the nature. She was very PATIENT and ENCOURAGING. She made sure that I learnt how to trust my own body in a completely new environment, she also made sure that I had some FUN! It was a good balance.
She has eyes into details, and a lot of RESPECT FOR NATURE. She has got her own kit to protect the rocks from rope friction; and a shoe mat to make sure the sole is free of sand before climbing.
She is full of passion for not only climbing, but also teaching climbing.
Definitely GREAT coach to recommend. :)


I booked top-rope climbing with Holly for a day out with a friend. Holly helped us to understand safe belaying, anchoring and showed us some interesting climbs around Harrison Rocks. I would recommend Holly to those with climbing experience and those without, as Holly tailors her day accordingly, and it sets you up if you want to climb Southern Sandstone in the future!


I would definitely recommend you to my friends, you are very good at what you do and are able to work with people based on their needs. You were very insightful, warm, empathic and friendly throughout the day. You were very patient with me as well.


Climbing outdoors has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. Fulfilling that made the day as a whole a great experience. The variety of climbing styles you were able to show us made the day enjoyable. I particularly appreciated the amount of encouragement you were able to provide on some of the more challenging routes, allowing me to push through moves that I was definitely ready to give up on.


I really enjoyed being able to set up my own anchor, putting into practice the skills I had learnt and using them effectively. I thought you were very knowledgeable, approachable and had a great sense of fun!

— CHRIS, JULY 2020

Yes, would definitely recommend! We had a really enjoyable day and as beginners you made us feel very at ease and safe when climbing, which meant I managed to do a lot more than I thought I could. Having so much encouragement and support from you also helped a lot. 

All of your explanations were clear and I appreciated that you explained the ‘why’ behind all the safety instructions. Thanks so much for a fantastic introduction to toproping - we’ll certainly be back!

— ERIN, JUNE 2020

I found your style very encouraging. When you said that you had me I trusted you. I was absolutely buzzing afterwards.


You were incredibly patient and were very good at explaining everything we did, so I felt that my learning and progression as a climber was the goal that weekend, not just an aside.

Because of your attention to detail, especially where safety was a particular consideration, I felt confident that at all times you were totally on the ball. Yet nothing felt stressful (apart from when I was scared!), it was fun, you were always calm, and as a result I got a lot out of the trip.


It was a lovely day out and I enjoyed having pushed myself to do more leading than I have done in a long time. It's difficult to describe, but I felt a sense of psychological safety having you there to hold the space, pick routes with safe falls, help with belaying and give feedback on movement. I really enjoyed having that focus and a coach's input. I also enjoyed the fact that it was less pressure than I normally put on myself to do harder routes or perform with less fear. I enjoyed doing easier routes, focusing on getting used to things and feeling accomplishment. Your attention to detail, belaying, consistent communication - it all led to a feeling of safety. It felt like a good investment in my climbing. It was supportive and challenging and your feedback was really constructive. I think it gently opened the door for me to make friends with the rock again after a bad fall which really put me off. Thank you.

— N, OCTOBER 2023

I value Holly for her knowledge and calm and positive approach. Her support and contagious enthusiasm for climbing motivates me to achieve something I would have initially thought was beyond my capabilities. I am really excited to see my progress with climbing when I compare myself where I was and where I am now. I would not be able to achieve this without Holly” 


Awesome session with Holly ***** If you are looking for an instructor that is calm, patient and understanding and that will guide you according to your needs, please get in touch with Holly!


Fantastic climbing trip with Holly, who instructed my teenage daughter at Harrison's Rocks. Holly encouraged her to work out suitable holds, was very supportive and patient, and great company for the day. Really recommend her service


Holly was very calm and confident and made participants feel at ease whilst absorbing new information/techniques for [indoor] lead climbing. She was empathetic to concerns or questions from participants and very thorough making sure participants repeated exercises until the learnings had sunk in, but without being pushy or harsh.


Went to Portland with Holly and a few other climbers for some top roping. It was my first time climbing on actual rock, and she made me feel very at ease about it. As an instructor, she deftly combines a relaxed go-with-the-flow demeanor while taking the the whole thing seriously where it counts, i.e. safety and technique. I learned a lot and would definitely go again.


Holly is an attentive, kind and trust worthy climbing instructor. When climbing using ropes, trust is a major factor, and Holly showed us so many great pointers and why they are so important. These have now led to me being able to rope with friends and family safely without guidance. It’s a great day out and it’s so worth it if you want to feel confident in climbing!


It was a great atmosphere all day, laid back and friendly. Your instruction was helpful and not condescending. Fantastic value for money.


I've had a couple of climbing days at Harrisons Rocks with Holly with my husband and 7-year old daughter, who are both new climber/boulderers, and she's brilliant! 

Holly has been so patient, clear, supportive, fun and worked to each of our styles, heights and climbing abilities. Especially with my husband’s issue with heights as we’ve moved from bouldering to top roping. 

She’s been excellent at teaching the rope and safety skills, giving confidence on the rock and been flexible with finding routes or other practice activities to suit what we needed to learn practice to gain that confidence. We feel very safe in her hands. 

I'm coming back to climbing after a long break from climbing, and Holly has encouraged me to be bolder and try new things like my first chimney. 😃

We can’t wait to go climbing with Holly again!

— LUCY, JULY 2020

You are good at dealing with beginners and making sure they feel safe and you are also able to help more advanced climbers improve their technique.


The tuition & learning to set the anchors was very good and exactly the reason why I booked the course. We went straight into this and I enjoyed feeling my confidence grow over the day on this aspect.

— ADAM, JULY 2020

Definitely highly recommend you to everyone!

I really like your teaching method. It is practical and very clear instruction. That's why we learnt super fast from you!

— ROXAS, JUNE 2020

Friendly, approachable, knowledgeable and creative. When you encountered small problems, you came up with good solutions and seemed calm and collected throughout.



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