Reconnecting - Q&A with Blackdog Outdoors

If the last year has taught me anything, it’s that having things to look forward to is critical for my mental health. Whilst it’s unreasonable to expect anyone to remain permanently positive in difficult situations like a national lockdown, looking forward can at least bring some changes to our mindset, and we can hope that things will get better.

One of the big positives for me already this year has been joining the team at Blackdog Outdoors. We’re all meeting remotely at the moment so I’ve only actually met a handful of them in person! I caught up with John, Operations Manager, to see what 2021 has in store for Blackdog Outdoors.

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What is Blackdog Outdoors? What's your mission?

We specialise in providing outdoor activities and adventures for anyone who may be struggling with their mental health. We are a nationally recognised, non-profit charity (1189191) created by a few friends in 2018, and now managed by a core team of 8 Trustees and 25 staff members. Completely free to access events for individuals, groups or corporate well-being and team building events, including well-being walks, navigation and map reading courses, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, rock climbing and bouldering, hiking, international mountaineering and more! Working in partnership with the BMC, MTA and British Canoeing, our goal is simply to find those who are struggling to get involved and get outdoors and help them to improve their mental health by re-connecting with our natural spaces, getting some exercise and breaking down any of the stigma that often prevents people taking part.

Why should people come on a BDO day?

The response to our events has been absolutely phenomenal and the feedback we receive speaks for itself. All of our instructors hold Mental Health First Aid qualifications, and we provide a safe, welcoming environment for people to join a like-minded group. You don’t need to worry about equipment, costs, safety, or the fear of being around people who might not understand. It’s just a really fun atmosphere, with zero expectations and no judgment. We are not psychologists and our events are not counselling sessions; one of the most fantastic things about our events is the fact that once people relax and realise that we aren’t there to prod them about their own mental health, that’s when mental health actually becomes the talking point of the day. No judgments, no stigma, just a completely free environment to enjoy your walking, your kayaking, your rock climbing etc with people who really do get where you’re coming from. We find that to be a key feature of all our events and the impact these opportunities have on people is incredibly motivating for us. It’s magic. You should come…and it’s actually free. Nothing is free these days!

What were the highlights of 2020?

In spite of the global pandemic?! We’ve actually managed to have an incredible year at BDO. Particularly in terms of developments behind the scenes. Given the amazing feedback, demand for our services has been huge. We’ve recently become official providers of the National Navigation Award Scheme, so you can come and get some qualifications and training with us. We’ve grown into the three separate delivery models mentioned earlier. Maintaining our free-to-access events for individuals, but also now developing some strong links with the NHS and various local authorities to provide our activities for their service users, building on the work being done with social prescribing networks and in partnership with various link workers, alongside our corporate packages for businesses and organisations. We’ve taken on a number of new staff and leaders who will be working with us throughout the coming summer. We’ve purchased 6 new boats and paddle sport equipment, a stack of climbing equipment and have managed to secure some very useful funding opportunities. So whilst we haven’t had the most adventurous year (thanks covid!) we have made some real progress behind the scenes and the team have been absolutely incredible at pulling it all together.

What's planned for 2021?

What isn’t planned?! We’ve got stacks of activities. All of our major events, as normal as can be, with the obvious implementation of any necessary covid controls and restrictions. We have climbing, walking, water sports, hiking etc. We’ll also be having a couple of adventure weekends with a host of activities and shenanigans in the works! We’re setting up some bushcraft and survival courses, there’s mountain biking on the way, a bespoke Blackdog Outdoors climbing course, NNAS award training opportunities, and tons of volunteering opportunities for aspiring leaders and instructors! Social prescription contracts to deliver! Oh and the small matter of a Blackdog Outdoors trip to EVEREST!! I’m excited just talking about it!

Finally…What are the top three snacks recommended for a BDO day?

Possibly the most important question of them all! Somewhat subjective but I’ll give it a shot! How about…

1 - something with cheese on

2 - something with cheese in

3 - something with cheese underneath

Failing that, there’s a couple of us at BDO with a real penchant for tortilla wraps with…yep, you guessed it, cream cheese inside. Andy [BDO Director] loves the Primula (other brands are available) but I myself prefer a generous dollop of Philadelphia. I hear there are snacks out there that don’t involve cheese, but I’m yet to find any interest. Please send snack suggestions (and cheese) to

For the calendar of events that Blackdog Outdoors is running, see their website.

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Find Your Adventure: Filming with the BMC


“The Nurture of Nature”